
1 day Center Israel

Luzit Cave

Luzit Cave

The Geographical zone in Israel center “Ha Shefellah” which means law land, infect its main character is hills 200-400 meter above sea level and you wonder why it is called law land. Well like every thing else in life is its relativity. In Israel everything start and end in Jerusalem so in relation to Judean hills of Jerusalem 600-1,000 meter above Sea level the lower land is lower. Ha Shfellah nick name is the land of 1,000 caves though we have more then 7,000 of them and it is another special attraction. In some of the caves nest bats and it is possible to visit and see them, but remember it is a protected animal and we should not disturb it.



Hirbet Kaipha - a Jewish settlement from king  David period

Hirbet Kaipha – a Jewish settlement from king David period


The most fascinating site in center Israel is no doubt this small valley named after a Canaanite Goddess Tree   “Ella Valley”.

Spring is the  best time to visit Israel

Spring is the best time to visit Israel

Here came this young red hair man name David 3,000 years ago to bring supply to his 3 elder brothers which fought against the Philistines under King Saul command.  David saw the giant Goliath cursing the Israelite and their God and he could not step back. The rest of the story all written in the good bible became maybe to one of the most famous stories in the world, and a corner stone to the Israelite.

 Almond tree   flourish

Almond tree flourish

Ella valley is not an amazing place but the biblical story made it part of an amazing scene, and all visitors young an old when they come here and read the story from the bible can see it comes to life.


In this region we have so many archeological sites to visit as Beit Guvrin which make it a must stop in Israel.

Not far a way we have Latrun monastery build late 18 century to promote Christianity in the holly land. It gave the name to the British military fortress build 1936, but it fame came in Israel war of independence when we lost it to Jordan.       Today it is  a tank museum but also a must stop in Israel and a key point to understand the Israelies and their mentality.

Mosaic floor which was damaged by vandals a day after this picture was taken

Mosaic floor which was damaged by vandals a day after this picture was taken

First tank of Israel 1948 at Latrun British police station

First tank of Israel 1948 at Latrun British police station


Rehovot located on the Shore line (a geographical zone west to Ha Shfellah) is a famous city in Israel which its logo – Orange tree that symbolize its unique importance – Since – faculty of Agriculture and Weitzman institute.


Orenge tree in Rehovot

Orenge tree in Rehovot

Rehovot host one of the greatest story in Israel “The Ayalon Institute”

Ella Valley – Beit Guvrin – Latrun – Ayalon institute